English | Compliance | Data Protection Personal Data Protection Contenido de la páginaPersonal data protection is a principle that safeguards the privacy of individuals so as to ensure that such data is handled with responsibility, protection and respect for human rights.This right is embodied in article six, paragraph two of the Constitution, which provides greater guarantees for citizens in the handling of their personal data.The decision of whether or not to share personal data is up to each of the holders of the data, so that the authorities or the relevant agency has the obligation to respect that decision.The reasons for this are obvious: the mishandling of personal data, besides being a violation of human rights, can lead to unnecessary risks that would infringe people's security or could provoke acts of discrimination based on age, gender, beliefs, religion, among others.Therefore, personal data protection involves highly valuable information. This is why Pemex becomes a guarantor of its protection, as well as of everyone's right to privacy. Petróleos Mexicanos Comprehensive Privacy NoticesSpanishContact information of the Transparency UnitSpanishRelevant information regarding personal data protection (Annex 8. Mandatory forms for the publication of documentary verification resources within the virtual section "Personal Data Protection")Spanish