Compliance | Ethics | Human rights Human rights Contenido de la páginaIn our company we promote, respect, protect and guarantee human rights.Human rights are rights that are inherent to all human beings, without distinction of sex, nationality, place of residence, ethnic origin, color, religion, language, age, political party, or social, cultural or economic status. We all have the same human rights, without discrimination of any kind.At Petróleos Mexicanos we have the responsibility to promote, respect, protect and guarantee the human rights of each person we interact with daily in the performance of our duties. We reject slavery and human trafficking.We promote equal pay, free of discrimination and reject child labor.The promotion of Human Rights is one of our company's corporate guidelines.Code of Ethics of Petróleos MexicanosDeclaration of Human Rights (Spanish)Human Rights TrainingPemex's commitment to Respect Human Rights is evidenced by the training of its personnel.Therefore, we conduct training sessions with the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City.This year a total of 25 workers were given training in the course: "Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Gender Equity and Human Rights".It was given to employees who collaborate directly and indirectly in the Ethics Line Analysis Subgroup and to personnel who, in their daily activities, have some contact with these issues.Basic Elements of Human RightsUniversal"inasmuch as they extend to the whole human race at all times and in all places, which signifies that cultural, social or political differences cannot be invoked as an excuse for their disregard or partial application."Progressive"because given the evolutionary nature of these rights throughout the history of humanity, it is possible that in the future the category of human rights will be extended to include other rights that in the past were not recognized as such, or that others will appear that in due course will be seen as necessary to human dignity and, therefore, inherent to every person".Indivisible"because they have no hierarchy between them, which means that it is not allowed to put one above the other and even less to sacrifice one type of right to the detriment of another".Inherent"because they are innate to all human beings without distinction, since it is assumed that we are born with them. Therefore, these rights do not depend on recognition by the State."Source: Basic Elements of Human Rights, Introductory Guide, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights.Related topicsDeclaración Universal de Derechos Humanos Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales Declaración de la OIT relativa a los principios y derechos fundamentales en el trabajo y su seguimiento Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (CONAPRED) Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INMUJERES)*10 principles of the United Nations Global CompactSince 2006, Pemex has adhered to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact, an initiative that encourages companies to support and put into practice a set of values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.Ten principlesSupport and respectBusinesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence.EnsureBusinesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.FreedomBusinesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective negotiation.EliminateBusinesses should support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.EradicateBusinesses should support the elimination of child labor.AbolishBusinesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination practices related to employment and occupation.Focus on preventionCompanies should maintain their focus on a preventive approach to environmental protection.PromoteBusinesses should encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility.Development and diffusionBusinesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.WorkBusinesses should engage in efforts to counter corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.Source: Global Compact Human Rights Program 2014 - 2018The National Human Rights Program (PNDH) 2014-2018 is the guiding instrument of the Mexican State that consolidates human rights policy based on international standards and recommendations. It has a national scope, ensures the participation of civil society and includes a monitoring and evaluation mechanism.Promote the human rights and gender approach in the private sector, as well as in business policies and activities.This strategy includes lines of action to strengthen mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing compliance with human rights in companies and the private sector; to encourage companies to promote human rights and include them in their declarations of principles, codes and policies.It also promotes a human rights approach to corporate social responsibility; it encourages legislation that regulates companies to guarantee respect for human rights and helps companies to be aware of their human rights obligations regarding their workers and users.As part of the objectives for the implementation of the PNDH, the Secretariat of the Interior is coordinating efforts for the elaboration of a National Program on Business and Human Rights, with the participation of the Legislative and Judicial branches, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), government agencies, civil society and business sector organizations, as well as state-owned productive enterprises, among others.National Human Rights ProgramSecretariat of the Interior National Human Rights Program (Spanish)CNDH RecommendationsThe National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) is an autonomous agency of the Mexican State that, in addition to overseeing respect for fundamental rights, has as its essential purpose the protection, observance, promotion, study and promotion of the human rights protected by the Mexican legal system.From 2004 to date, Pemex has only had seven recommendations. This makes us a company that respects human rights.National Human Rights Commission (CNDH)Official site
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