Compliance | Ethics | Our ethics and conduct Our ethics and conduct Contenido de la páginaOur Code of Ethics reflects the culture, values and business principles that govern our conduct and provides a guide to the decisions we take regarding our actions.The Code of Conduct establishes our expected and permissible behavior, in accordance with the ethical principles and values described in our Code of Ethics. Likewise, this document sets out the conduct requirements for our Board Members, Officers and personnel, which contribute to making Pemex the most competitive company in the Mexican oil industry and an international benchmark. For Pemex it is of the utmost importance that suppliers, contractors, customers, partners, or any Third Parties share the principles and guidelines of integrity and corporate ethics in their interaction with the personnel at Pemex and its subsidiaries, as well as the application of proprietary mechanisms that promote actions similar to those stipulated in our Codes; or, where appropriate, their compliance with these Codes. The Codes are mandatory for our Directors, Officers and staff, so we encourage you to report any non-compliance through the ethics hotline. TrainingFor Pemex and its subsidiaries, it is important that our personnel are familiar with the Codes of Ethics and Conduct, as well as with the regulations on corruption prevention, transparency, and personal data protection, because we are committed to maintaining commercial agreements and fostering ethical value chains with our third parties. Courses in these areas are mandatory for all personnel, including management and board members.Our Compliance Program, called "Pemex Cumple", is aimed at preventing corruption risks through strategies and guidelines designed to promote ethical values and principles, legal compliance, accountability, transparency and the protection of personal data through the development of human capital. For this purpose, we developed e-learning courses, such as: "Anti-corruption policy" and "Conflict of interest" courses to prevent acts of corruption. "Our Codes" is designed to familiarize personnel with the principles, values and expected behavior contained in the codes of ethics and conduct. The specialized course "Due Diligence" enables personnel to learn about the importance of maintaining commercial agreements based on an ethical approach with third parties with whom we have relationships.To reaffirm our commitment to transparency, accountability and protection of personal data, training is provided through the INAI system on the following topics: Transparency Obligations, Access to Public Information, Open Government, and Personal Data.Ethical dilemmaWhen faced with an ethical dilemma in the performance of our duties, we can ask ourselves the 5 questions: Does this decision comply with the values of the codes of ethics and conduct?Does the decision I am making comply with Pemex's rules?Have I understood all the consequences of this decision?Can this decision or my conduct be taken as a good example for others?If others hear about my actions, will I continue to think that I did the right thing?If the answer to all questions is yes, the decision is an ethical one.Disciplinary measuresReports submitted through the Ethics Line are investigated by a group that supports the Ethics Committee and the disciplinary measures that may be imposed will depend on the seriousness of the case and may range from a reprimand, suspension, disqualification, dismissal, and even imprisonment, whether they are:Labor-relatedAdministrativeCriminalMercantileThe foregoing is in accordance with the provisions of Section V.5 Violations of the Code of Ethics, III.5 Violations and Disciplinary Measures provided in the Code of Conduct and in the Anti-Corruption Policy in Section X. Corrective Actions, X.1.5 Application of Disciplinary Measures and regarding Acts of Corruption committed abroad or with foreign individuals, the provisions of Section X.1.6 shall apply. Our ethical principlesRespect: To recognize the value, rights and obligations of oneself and others around us. Equality and non-discrimination: To treat everyone in the same way, without distinction or preference. Effectiveness: This means making the most of our capabilities, time and resources in developing Pemex. Honesty: This means always telling the truth and being fair for the well-being of everyone. Loyalty: It means to feel proud to be a part of Pemex and to make its interests our priority. Responsibility: This means to fulfill one's obligations, to reflect on every decision one makes. Legality: It means being aware of and abiding by the laws and regulations of the country, the company and the field in which we work.Impartiality: It means treating all people equally and according to established processes.Integrity: This means always acting in accordance with all the principles established in the Pemex Code of Ethics. DocumentsCode of Ethics of Petróleos MexicanosCode of Ethics of Petróleos MexicanosCode of Conduct of Petróleos MexicanosSubsidiary Productive Companies and, where applicable, Affiliate Companies
Ethics Ethics Line (Spanish)Our ethics and conductActualmente seleccionadoAnti-corruption commitmentBest practicesEthics CommitteeHuman rightsInclusion, equality and non-discriminationMarket viabilitySafety, Health, and Environmental Protection