Investors | Publications | Annual Report Annual Report Annual ReportsIn compliance with Article 113 of Petróleos Mexicanos Law (Only in Spanish) Contenido de la página 2013For 76 years Petróleos Mexicanos has represented a fundamental pillar for the Mexican economy. All along these years PEMEX has faced extraordinary challenges that range from severe weather conditions and considerable operating challenges.Full version20122012 was a year of great progress. For the second year in a row, PEMEX reached record levels of revenues, Ps. 1,647 billion, as well as in fiscal contributions, Ps. 902.6 billion.Full version20112011 came along with new standards for PEMEX. The stabilization of the production platform coupled with higher international reference prices of hydrocarbons led to record-high revenues that amounted to Ps. 1.6 trillion.Full version2010PEMEX is ready to enter into a new phase of growth. Since 2004, serious efforts have been made to stop crude oil production decline driven by the giant field Cantarell in the Gulf of Mexico.Full version2009Two thousand nine was a challenging year for all sectors of the Mexican economy. In the oil industry specifically, the global economic crisis had a dramatic effect on energy demand.Full version2008In 2008, Petróleos Mexicanos commemorated 70 years of fulfilling its responsibility to produce hydrocarbons and supply fuels for Mexican consumers, while at the same time actively participating in crude oil export markets.Full version2007During 2007, PEMEX continued to be a reliable hydrocarbon producer and supplier to Mexico. Crude oil production averaged 3.082 million barrels per day, a 5% reduction compared to the previous year.Full version2006The results obtained in 2006 positioned Petróleos Mexicanos as the third crude oil producer in the world and as the country’s most important company. Full version2005Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) is Mexico’s state-owned oil and natural gas <br>company, with responsibility for developing the country’s hydrocarbon resources. <br>PEMEX is one of the world’s largest integrated oil and natural gas <br>companies. Full version
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